Announcement: Bleak publishes on September 29th!

Click the cover to make a pre-order :)

Click the cover to make a pre-order :)

"2/18 — Final Entry

My name is Tommy. It feels weird to write, but there are days where I can’t remember my own name.

It started in second grade. I was a piggy, then a loser, and then I was Tommy Taint. They said it all so much that they forgot who I even was... And one day I woke up and didn't feel human anymore.

My name is Tommy Leigh Tate.

And after this, they'll never forget it again."

I am beyond proud to announce that my novel, Bleak, will be published and available through Amazon Kindle and paperback on September 29th, 2020. This novel had been a 10 year journey for me and was inspired from my experiences overcoming bullying, targeted abuse, and my struggles with my mental health -- and I would be beyond honored if you read it. Interested in the book? I will message you an Amazon link to everyone who likes this status over the weekend - and plan to offer a few free downloads of the book through Amazon throughout 2020.

Edit: Preorders for the Kindle Edition can be made here




Days with Gibson