Social Studies teacher, world traveler, speaker, and founder of the Open World Cause.


Supporting education & innovation.

My name is Ben Honeycutt, and I’m a middle school teacher hailing from Colorado Springs, Colorado and married my best friend Natalie in October of 2018.

Teaching is my passion and I’ve been fortunate to use teaching as a way to connect to writing, traveling, and education around the world.


Why teaching?

I was inspired to become a teacher after the traumatic experiences I had with bullying and targeted abuse throughout my time in school. I never forgot what it was like to have my voice silenced and stripped away, and I have since dedicated my life to giving others a voice who may not otherwise have one.



When I was 18, I started writing a novel called Bleak that was inspired from my experiences of surviving routine Bullying in elementary school. After a 15 year journey since those experiences, I published Bleak in October 2020 and Oasis Audio published Bleak as an audiobook in April 2021. My hope beyond everything is that Bleak can be a light for those in dark places.


Open World Cause

During the process of becoming a teacher and writing Bleak, I graduated from the University of Kansas with a degree in Secondary Education in 2016. During school, I worked with some of my closest friends to start an educational non-profit called the Open World Cause.

Work with the Open World Cause has given us rich opportunities to travel to communities in Nepal and Kenya. Our work has helped us form partnerships with incredible educators and we helped fund the construction of the TriKa school in Nepal and the HIPAfrica school in Kenya.


“We have the power to change the world from the screens of our devices, what's stopping us?”

— Benjamin Honeycutt, Founder Open World Cause


Speaking Gigs


Let’s connect! I’d love to work with you.
